National Guard Clinic for Coaches and Players
This one-time clinic will feature top level instruction and soccer activities. The details are still coming together, but here's what we know so far:
- Date: Sunday, July 21
- Location: WRAL Soccer Center
- Registration is FREE
- Lunch will be FREE to any registered participants
- Players will also receive more free items: Camelback Water Bottle, National Guard Camps & Clinic T-shirt, Carabiner, and a Cinch Bag
This is a great opportunity to bring your team, friends, or come as an individual player or coach and learn some free insights and instruction from people who know the game best. You can register by clicking HERE! We will keep you informed on the latest details that come together (time, instructors, etc.). Remember, registration is limited to boys in high school.
RailHawk 3's: 3v3 Registration Deadline - July 22
The RailHawk 3's is a one day event that features a unique, modified playing field. There is no offsides, one referee per game, and plenty of scoring. All games are played with a size 3 soccer ball, and there will be lots of great prizes throughout the day included a free gift from Adidas for each player.
Registration for the tournament is OPEN and is based on Fall 2013 age groups. CLICK HERE to register before the deadline - all checks are due by July 19 but you can also pay with a credit card. The tournament offers registration for teams from U8-U18 as well as Men's Open and Coed Open. The tournament will be on August 3rd (rain date of August 4).
Free Soccer Injury Prevention Clinic - August 3
Here's another FREE clinic designed for youth athletes ages 10 and up, their families and coaches. The Sports Injury Prevention Clinic will be held at WakeMed Soccer Park from 4-6pm on August 3rd. The event will take place before the RailHawks game that night. At the clinic, you will hear from experts in the medical field about how to prevent and manage sports-related injuries in young athletes including minor (spraints), severe (ACL tears), and overuse injuries. You or your child has likely suffered from one or more of these injuries, but now research shows that taking certain steps before playing can reduce risks for injury. At this clinic, you will learn about ACL injury prevention, sports injury prevention, and the latest on concussions, proper stretching, warm-up and cool down exercises. Don't miss the chance to gain this competitive edge over your opponent, but also this opportunity to make sure you or your child stays healthy through the season. You can register for this FREE Youth Sports Injury Prevention Clinic, brought to you by WakeMed, Wake Orthopaedics, DePuy Synthes-Mitek Sports Medicine, Carolina RailHawks and Safe Kids of Wake County, by CLICKING HERE! Registration is necessary and space for the clinic is limited.
Your CASL site very nice.More Information