Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Call for Nominations - CASL Spotlight

CASL Spotlight

Do you know a parent who has gone the extra mile behind the scenes to keep your team organized and moving in the right direction? Or, perhaps, you saw a player display good sportsmanship by helping an opposing team member off the ground? Or, maybe you would like to recognize a player's achievements off the field: honor roll, volunteer hours, or college acceptance. Another option would be to recognize an entire group of people (team, coaching staff, etc.). There are countless recognition opportunities that are going on in CASL on and off the field, and we want to know about them! 

I strongly encourage you to submit someone you know for the CASL Spotlight. He/She will be featured in the weekly CASL Connection (e-newsletter) that is sent to all of our members and also receive recognition through social media. We can definitely keep the nominations anonymous if you'd like. You can nominate someone any time of the week. All you have to do is email me (, include "casl spotlight" in the subject line, and provide some bullet points that outline why you are nominating this person for the spotlight. If you have a picture, that would also be great to attach so everyone can put a face to the nomination.

CASL Tower this Weekend

Don't forget, this Saturday is the 2nd annual pig pickin' at the Carolina RailHawks. For $15, you can enjoy all you can eat BBQ and live music. Other vendors will be on hand as well. If you but a CASL Tower discounted ticket, as low as $9, that's only $24 for an awesome Saturday night. The RailHawks encourage coming early to games, and this Saturday, the festivities start at 4:45pm. Even if you don't come early to the game, post-game fireworks are included in the price of your CASL Tower ticket. Click HERE to purchase your CASL Tower tickets! This is a big game for the RailHawks as they fight to hold on to the number one seed in the league and the right to host the NASL Soccer Bowl in November. The team is about to go on their month long summer hiatus, so don't miss one of your last chances to see the RailHawks in action!

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